Friday, 20 February 2015


                                                            Second Semester, 2014/2015 Academic Year
                                    COURSE TITTLE: POLI 468 HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kumi Ansah- Koi
Phone: 024 501 3066
Office: Room 18; Political Science Department, Kweku Folson Block

Course Description
This course focuses on Human Rights in Africa. Students are introduced to pertinent issues bearing on the nature, contemporary significance, ramifications and challenges of the notion of Human Rights particularly as regards the African continent. Students are as well introduced to basic Human Rights Instruments and also to various theories of human rights and their practical import in Africa.
With regard to the methodology and pedagogy, it must be stated that Cases/ Thematic Studies and Focal Analyses constitute significance feature of the course. In addition, the web and its resources are very much integrated into this course. Visuals from various web sources are particularly helpful teaching aids in this Course.
This would be very interactive course. Timely and regular attendance at, and involvement in, tutorials and regular classes would be insisted on.

Course Schedule
Weeks 1 and 2: The Notion of Human Rights
Theories; Nature; Sources; Evolution; Legal Obligations; International Status; Human Rights in contemporary Socio-Political Thought; and Human rights Obligations of contemporary States/ Societies.
We would as well focus on the basic Human Rights Instruments and Obligations; Human Rights Promotion and Protection; and also identify an analytical framework for zeroing in on Human Rights Violations.
Weeks 3 and 4: Our African Matrix
The notion of Africa; Basic Socio- Political features of Africa: Commonalities and Diversities.
Human Rights in Africa: Historical Overview
a)      Pre- Colonial/ Traditional Africa and Human Rights
b)      Colonial Africa and Human Rights
c)      Post- Colonial Africa and Human Rights
d)      Human Rights in Africa since the End of the Cold War
African basic instruments on Human Rights; African basic institutions and arrangements pertaining to Human Rights; and African Contributions to the evolution of Human Rights.
Weeks 5 and 6: A survey of Human Rights in Contemporary Africa
State of Human Rights in Contemporary Africa
Human Rights Violations and shortfalls in Africa
Detailed Case/ Thematic/ Focal Studies drawn from Africa would be extrapolated for analyses. The selection would, among others, cover such themes as
a)      FGM
b)     Gender/ Women/ Child Rights
c)      Minority Rights, and
d)     Reproductive Rights
e)      Sexual Rights
We would as well be particularly be concerned with the Human rights dimensions of the Civil Wars in Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and elsewhere in Africa, as well as with the Human rights dimensions of the electoral/ political mess in such countries as Libya, Mali, Congo, Zimbabwe and Somalia.
Weeks 8,9,10 and 11: Promotion and protection of Human Rights (in Africa)
Introduction (Why promotion and Protection; and what those notions entail)
Mechanisms for the Promotion and Protection and how they so far play out. We would be specifically concerned with the following:
1)      Constitutions and Constitutionalism
2)      Law and Legality/ The rule of Law
3)      The courts of law/ Justice; The Judiciary
4)      The Mass Media
5)      State-Owned/ Operated Human rights Institutions ( CHRAJ would be our case in point)
6)      NGOs/ Civil Society Organizations
7)      Public Policies/ Programmes/ Initiatives
8)      International Organizations/ Law/ Treaties/ Conventions
a)      The UN System
b)     Regional Institutions ( Case in point: OAU/ AU)
c)      Sub- regional institutions ( case in point: ECOWAS)
9)      ICT

Week 12: Review/ Revision

Basic Readings:
Abdullahi Ahmed A-Na’m and Francis M Deng (editors), Human Rights in Africa. Cross- Cultural Perspectives, the Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1990.
Human Rights Clauses of the Charter of United Nations (1945)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)
International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (with the Optional Protocols) (1966)
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979)
Declaration on the Right to Development (1986)
The 1992 Ghana Constitution
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of the Action on Human Rights (1993)
The American Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the USA
The African Peer Review Mechanism: Country Report on Ghana
Report of Ghana’s National Reconciliation Commission
US State Department: Human Rights Country Report on Ghana
Ghana Human Development Report
UN Human Rights Commission: Country Reports on Ghana
Annual Report: CHRAJ
                        : Ghana Police Service
                        : Ghana Prisons Service
Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (1990)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (1981)
Protocol on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and People’s Rights (1998)
African Charter of the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1990)
The Constitutive Act of the African Union
Report of Ghana’s Constitutional Review Commission
Useful Web Links
Office of the UN High Commission for Human rights, Geneva:
ILO, Geneva:
ICJ, The Hague:
UN Treaty database:
Official Documents of the UN:
Amnesty International:
Human Rights Watch:

Tuesday, 17 February 2015




POLI 358
Dr Kumi Ansah-Koi Contact: 024 501 3066;
Purpose /
In popular thought many people see Africa as conflict-laden and conflict-struck, if not conflict-prone. It is indeed a fact that many of the intractable, horrendous, and nightmarish conflicts of this day and age are taking place on the African continent. The genocidal Rwandan Civil War, the Al-Shabab Imbroglio engulfing Somalia and Kenya (to name only two concerned African states), the on-going Boko Haram menace now spreading beyond its original Nigerian national boundaries, the natural resource/religion based conflict in the Central African Republic, the mess in post-Gaddafi Libya, and the activities of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb
In this course we pursue the themes of society and conflict in Africa. The focus of the course is really on contemporary African society and its conflicts.
However we do not entirely rule out the very consequential historical antecedents and pertinent episodes, such as the trade in African Slaves and its attendant conflicts, the 1884/85 Berlin Congress that precipitated the European Partitioning and Colonization of Africa, the Algerian War for Independence in particular and the African Liberation Struggle in general, the anti-Apartheid Struggle, and a lot more.
Upon successful completion of this course students would have a thorough grasp of the changing societal contexts and influences marking the conflict terrain in Africa. They would also have a grasp of the issues and circumstances marking the wide and complex spectrumof conflicts in Africa.
Focus in the Course spans the entire spectrum of Pre-Conflict, Conflict (Management/Resolution) and Post-Conflict (Transitional Justice; Peace Building/Making; National Reconciliation) Stages of the entire wide diversity of Conflicts in Africa.
Regular attendance at, and full participation in, lectures and tutorials are insisted on in this course. Students would have to closely follow current affairs and developments on the African continent. BBC Africa, for example, should be regularly listened to. Video clips, and other multi-media presentations and assignments, are integrated into the teaching modality of this course
End of Semester examination will consist of six essay questions covering the entire course; out of which students would be required to answer only three.
An assignment, to be given in class mid-way through the course, would constitute the mandatory 30% Interim Assessment grade.

Lecture Themes/Topics
The Matrix: Africa and/in the Global Context
1.       Society and State in Africa.
2.       Conflict Studies: Basic Paradigms
Conflicts in Africa: (1.) Causation: The Grudge/Grievance versus Greed Debate. (2.) Environment/Context  (3) Typology
(4) Nature/Manifestations  (5) Costs/Impact
Conflicts in Africa: Case Studies. Selections would be drawn largely from the following:
a.       Religion and Conflict: The Central African Republic Conflict
                                       The Boko Haram Mess
                                        Al Shabab (in Somalia and Kenya)
                                        Al Qaeda in the Maghreb
                                        The Lord’s Resistance Army

b.      Identity/Ethnicity and       The Nigerian Civil War; the Sahara
Conflicts in Africa               Arab Republic; The Rwandan Civil. War 

c.       Natural Resources and        The Angolan Civil War
Conflicts in Africa                  The Sierra Leonean Civil War
                                                The Congo Mess; the Biafran war.
                                                 The Ivorian Civil War; The Great                    
                                                                 Lakes regional war.

d.      Power/Political Struggles       The Liberian/Sierra Leonean
and Conflicts in Africa             Civil Wars; the African Liberation
                                                                  Struggles; the Ivorian Civil War;
                                                                 The anti-Apartheid struggles; the
                                                                  Arab/Spring pro-democracy
                                                                   Conflicts; etc.

       (e) Geographical/Border               Nigeria/Cameroon; Ghana/Ivory
             /Boundary Disputes                   Coast; etc.
Conflicts in Africa: Themes we shall closely pursue include the following: (a) Children and Conflicts in Africa (Child Soldiers, etc.)
(b) Women/Gender and Conflicts in Africa
(c) Arms Proliferation and Trafficking
(d) Foreign dimensions to African Conflicts
(e) Migration, Displacement, Refugees and African Conflicts
International Organizations and the Management/Resolution of African Conflicts: The UN, AU, and ECOWAS
Peace Building/Making and Post-Conflict Settlement in Africa: Transitional Justice, Peace Settlements, National Reconciliation, etc.
Course Review

Basic Readings
1.      William Zaitman, Ripe for Resolution
2.      Francis M. Deng & William Zaitman (eds), Conflict Resolution in Africa.
3.      The Constitutive Act of the Au
4.      ECOWAS Non-Aggression Treaty of 1970
5.      Joan Spero, The Politics of International Relation
6.      The (1986) ECOWAS Protocol on Mutual Assistance on Defence
7.      The (December 2000) ECOWAS Protocol on conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution.
8.      BBC AfricaNews

Wednesday, 11 February 2015



Department of Political Science
University of Ghana
POLI 362: Development Administration
Second Semester, 2014/2015

                                        Dr. Emmanuel Debrah, Dr. Amponsah & Mr. Asah-Asante  
Course Overview and Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major issues, concepts, problems and theories associated with development administration. It examines efforts developing countries are making to administer their development programs and how to improve their administrative systems that will expand the possibilities of their citizens. To this end, the course focuses on the processes and strategies for the administration of development in the developing societies. It begins on the operating premise that no singular factor such as political, economic, sociological explanations, as commonly found in theories of development economics and administration are adequate in explaining the myriad problems and efforts being made to improve the economic, political and social systems toward a better or more humane life for the people in the developing world. Specifically, the course addresses the following critical issues and concerns in the discipline:


1.       What is development? The goal here is to interrogate the various theories and paradigms in the development literature. It identifies the characteristics of developing countries and offers explanation to the growing underdevelopment of this part of the world.
2.       Trends and issues in development administration. Attempt is made to examine the necessity for pursuing development programs in the developing societies.
3.       What are the prescribed strategies for administering development in the developing world? Some have advocated Planning, administrative and institutional reforms, and decentralization in the public sector.
4.       What is the prevailing development situation in the developing world? Why is Poverty phenomenon a developmental issue? In what different ways have the poverty situation been tackled?
5.       Corruption is regarded as endemic in developing world. Can this phenomenon explain the increasing underdevelopment in the developing societies?
6.       How can the development deficits in developing societies be dealt with head-on?

Prescribed Textbook:
Polinaidu, S. 2004.  Public administration. New Delhi: Galgotia Publications Ltd. pp. 559-590.

Handelman, Howard. 2003. The challenges of third world development 3rd ed. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River.
World Bank. 2000. “New Directions in Developing Thinking” and “Decentralization: Rethinking Government” in Entering the 21st century: World Development Report 1999/2000. Oxford University Press: New York.
World Bank. 2001. World Development Reports, 2000-2001: Attacking Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Todaro, M.P. 2000. Economic Development in the 3rd world. New York: Longman.
Republic of Ghana. 2009. Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II
Republic of Ghana. 2005. Ghana Poverty Reduction strategy I
Dwivedi, O. P. 1994. Development Administration: From Underdevelopment to Sustainable Development. New York: St Martin’s Press.
Riggs, Fred. 1971. Frontiers of Development: From Underdevelopment to Sustainable Development. Longman: New York.
Rondenelli, D. A., and Cheema, G. 2003. “Analyzing Decentralization Policies in developing Countries: a Political-economy framework”. Development and Change 20(1):57-87.
Republic of Ghana. 2003. National Decentralization Action Plan: Towards a Sector-Wide Approach for Decentralization Implementation in Ghana, 2003-2005. Tema: Ghana Publishing Corporation.
Conyers, D. 2007. “Decentralization and Service Delivery: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa”.IDS Bulletin 38 (1):18-32.
Gerald Caiden. 1988. ‘The Vitality of Administrative Reforms’. International Review of the Administrative Science. 54: 330-433.
Jrisast, J. E. 1988. Administrative Reform in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective ‘.Public Administration and Development. 8:80-90.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


 POLI 212: Introduction to International Politics                                                
University of Ghana, Dept of Pol Sci (Main anD City Campuses)                                         Instructors: Stevens Ahiawordor and Bossman Asare ( 
 Time: W 330-520, Thurs 1130-120 (JQB 22/23), Tues 12-2,                 
  Offices - Rooms 6 and  12 (P. Science) Office Hours: M 1130-1:30pm, W 2pm-3pm, TH 10-11:20 (and by appointment)

Course Goals
This course introduces students to the major issues in global relations/politics, and provides them theoretical/conceptual tools for understanding the global system. The central aims of the course are to demonstrate how theory influences our explanations; to familiarize students with some important issues in international politics; to help students appreciate the impact of international institutions such as the UN and the World Bank on the sovereignty of the modern states; and to help students understand   why some global north states are the focus of international relations.
 We will use both theoretical and practical arguments to answer several questions: Why is international relations/politics important? What explains the type of foreign policy decision-making of both the major and minor powers in the international system? Who are the actors involved in global politics? Is the sovereignty of the state a myth? How relevant is international law in international relations? Can there be perpetual peace in the world? Is globalization actually taking place? How does terrorism affect human security in West Africa and globally? Are Multinational Corporations relevant in the developing world? What are the problems confronting the international system? How does domestic politics shape international politics, among others.

Required and Recommended Texts
Bossman E. Asare, 2011. International Politics: The Beginner’s Guide, Accra: Yamens Press. 
Charles Kegley Jr. 2009. World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 12th Edition, Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.                                                                                                      
John T. Rourke, 2005. International Politics on the World Stage. USA: McGraw-Hill Inc.                           
Richard Payne, 2007. Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture. New York: Pearson Longman.        
 Kelly-Kate Pease, 2003. International Organizations: Perspectives on Governance in the 21st century, 2nd edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Richard Mansbach and Edward Rhodes (eds), 2006. Global Politics in a Changing World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
 Interim Assessment
There are two interim assessments. One is an assignment due on the fifth week of class. The other is an in-class exams scheduled on the ninth week. The assignment question- To what extent are Boko Haram and Al Shabab a threat to the security of sub-Saharan Africa?-  requires a reflective  response of 1000 words long, double-spacing, and a 12 point font.

Final exams will consist of a combination of fill-in-the-blanks, short and long essay questions. The final is cumulative, with questions ranging from the first day to the last day of class. If you really want to do well in the final examination, the best strategy is to attend class regularly and be on top of the assigned readings.

Reflective Paper-    10%                                                        
 Exams/IA   -           20%
 Final Exams           70%
Civility in the classroom is expected of all students. Students who disrupt class to the extent that other’s educational opportunities are diminished may be asked to leave the classroom. Cell phones must be turned- off at all times in the classroom.

Communicating with your Instructors
 Feel free to stop by and discuss academic matters or concerns with us in the office. All emails sent to either of the instructors should include POLI 212 in the subject line.

Class Attendance and Participation
Attendance will be monitored every class session, and students are expected to regularly and relevantly contribute to class discussions by raising questions and making salient comments. For the purpose of class participation, which is compulsory, students are encouraged to gather information from news sources, such as the New York Times online, Yahoo News, Google News, Al Jazeera, the Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, DWTV, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal online, and the Washington Post online. This will be an opportunity for students to make oral contributions, in addition to the regular lectures and discussions.

Learning Disability Students
Any student with an officially recognized disability should make fitting arrangements with the university, not the instructors.

Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism, which is representing somebody’s work as your own, as well as cheating in all forms, must be avoided. The consequences of these behaviors are not worth mentioning in this class.

Course Calendar
Weeks 1 and 2 Jan 30/Feb 6
Course overview, introduction to international relations, the state, nation-state, nation, 21st century world politics, and diplomacy, sovereignty, actors in the global system, international law, alliances, and balance of power, multinational corporations, and globalization.                                                                                                                                       Asare, chapter 1, Kegley chapter 1,    Rourke chapter 1


Weeks 3 and 4 Feb 13/20
International Politics and Theories - Realism, Neorealism, Offensive Realism, Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Democratic Peace Theory, Constructivism, Marxism, and Feminism          
Asare, chapter 2, Kegley chapter 2                                                                       
 Kelly-Kate Pease, 2003. International Organizations: Perspectives on Governance in the 21st century chapters 1-4
 Hans Morgenthau, 1978. “A Realist Theory of International Politics”                  
 Rourke, Chapter 3
Weeks 5/6 Feb 27 Great Powers and International Conflicts-World War 1, World War II and the Cold War
Asare, chapter 3, Kegley, chapter 4                                                                               
    Nye, Joseph Jr. (2007) Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History, Pearson Longman, New York.
 Swheller, Randall (1998) Deadly Imballances: Tripolarity and Hitler’s Strategy of World Conquest, Columbia University Press: New York.     
Week 7/8 March 13
Intergovernmental Organizations and Global Governance
Asare, chapter 5                                                                                                                        Kegley chapters 6 and 14                                                                                                                                  The Economist. “UN’s Mission Impossible” (in Mansbach, Richard & Rhodes, Edward, Global Politics in a Changing World.180-183)                                                                                     Kelly-Kate Pease, 2003. International Organizations: Perspectives on Governance in the 21st century, chapters 5-10                                                                                                                    Asare Bossman (2009) The African Union, Multi-level Governance and Accountability in Africa, Legon Journal of International Affairs, 6 (2), 121-137

Weeks 9/10 March 27- Foreign Policy and International Decision Making
Asare, chapter 4,  Kegley, chapter 3
Herman, Margaret (2001) How Decision Units Shape Foreign Policy: A Theoretical Framework, International Studies Review,  3 (2): 47–81.
  McDermott, Rose (2007) Political Psychology in International Relations. The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor.
 Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield, and Tim Dunne (Eds) Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, and Cases. New York: Oxford University Press                                                                                                                
Weeks 11/12 April 10/17
Developing Countries in Global Politics
 Asare, chapter 7 Kegley, chapter 5                                                                                                               
The World Bank (2000). Can Africa claim the 21st century? The World Bank: Washington, D.C.                                                                                                                              
Week 13 April 24
Global Terrorism and International Security/Summing-up
Asare, chapter 6   Payne, chapter 5