Thursday, 23 September 2021


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                     LECTURER: Professor Ransford Gyampo






POLI 356




The Course essentially interrogates the various strategies that have been put in place to develop Africa, since independence. It begins with a thorough examination of the challenges facing contemporary sub-Saharan African development and a comprehensive review of leading theoretical explanations of Africa’s developmental challenges. The second part identifies and analyzes the main strategies adopted for overcoming the challenges facing African development. The experiences of Ghana (and other African countries) are analyzed in detail, to illustrate the strengths and gains, weaknesses and challenges associated with the various developmental strategy options undertaken by successive regimes in Africa, including, Import Substitution Industrialization, Structural Adjustment Programmes, NEPAD, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, Debt Cancellation or HIPC Initiative, The Call for Reparation, Regional Integration and Political Conditionalities (demand for democracy and good governance), etc,

By the end of the Course students  should be able to state and explain at least five challenges to development that confronted African states at the time of independence in the 1960s; identify and explain at least two theories of under-development; explain which of the theories of under-development best captures the status of African countries and give justification for their choice; explain the strengths and weaknesses, of at least developmental strategies pursued by African countries since independence; and identify the reasons why Africa is still under-developed in spite of all the strategies of development pursued since independence.






Department of Political Science, University of Ghana, Room 7


Mondays: 10am – 4pm




Main Campus (Thursdays 5:30pm-7.20pm @JQB12 & Fridays, 11.30am -1.20pm @JQB 23)


City Campus (Mondays  4:30pm – 6:20pm @ New Bloc 2, 1C)



Face to face in class teaching with ALL COVID PROTOCOLS OBSERVED / Sakai (when necessary)






The Socio-Economic Dimensions of the African Development Challenge

Teaching/Graduate Assistants to assist students in defining the socio-economic challenges that confronted Africa soon after independence



The Political Dimensions of the African Development Challenge

Teaching/Graduate Assistants to assist students in defining the political and governance challenges that confronted Africa soon after independence



Overview of Theoretical Explanations to African Under-Development

Students to identify and discuss the various strategies that can bring about African development



The Modernization

Student to discuss the main arguments of the Modernization Theory



The Dependency Theories

Student to discuss the main arguments of the Dependency Theory



Overview of Strategies for African Development:

Students to discuss other theoretical explanations to African Under-Development with the guidance of Teaching/Graduate Assistants



Import Substitution Industrialization

Students to be guided in discussing the main arguments of ISI

Interim Assessment (30%)


Structural Adjustment Programme  

Students to be guided in discussing the main arguments of SAP




Application of Political Conditionalities

Students to be guided in discussing the relationship between Democracy, Good Governance and Development



The Legos Plan of Action

Students to examine the main issues raised by the Lagos Plan of Action as a development strategy



The New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)

Students to discuss the new ideas and strategies for development as propounded by NEPAD



The HIPC/Debt forgiveness/Reparation

Students to discuss debt forgiveness and reparation as  development strategies



The MDGs and SDGs

Students to critically examine the MDGs contributions to African development.  Students must be guided in discussing the various development policy prescriptions of the SDGs











  1. Handelman, Howard (2006) The Challenge of Third World Development, Fourth Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall).
  2. Ewusi, K.(ed) (2013) Policies and Options for Ghana’s Economic Development, Third Edition, (Legon: ISSER).
  3. UNDP Human Development Report 2009.
  4.  Rimmer, Douglas (1991) Africa: 30 Years On, (London: James Currey)
  5. Sandbrook, Richard (2000) Closing the Cycle: Democratization and Development in Africa (London: Zed Books).
  6. Collier, Paul (2007) The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, (New York: Oxford University Press).
  7. Kousari, Kamran (2006) “Africa’s Woes- Homegrown or Externally Induced” Europe’s World, (Spring ) pp 157-162.
  8. Easterly, William “ The Utopian Nightmare”, Foreign Policy (September/ October 2005, pp58-64.
  9. Cooper, Frederick (2002) Africa since 1940: The Past of the Present,. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  10. Gyampo, R.E.V. (2015). “Dealing with Ghana’s Winner-Takes-All Politics: A Case for Proportional Representation?” The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 41-46.
  11. Gyampo, R.E.V. (2015). “Dealing with Winner-Takes-All Politics in Ghana: The Case for National Development Planning” Governance, Vol. 20, No. 1 (January/February), pp 1-11.
  12. Gyampo, R.E.V. (2016) The State of Political Institutions in Ghana, Revised Edition, Tema: Digibooks Publishing Limited.
  13. Kwakye, J.K. (2013) “The Price of Leadership Failings in Ghana” Legislative Alert, Vol. 20, No. 5 (September/October), pp 1-4.
  14. Roxborough, Ian (1988) Theories of Under Development. (London: Macmillan Education Ltd).
  15. Frank, Andre, Gunder (1972) "The Development of Underdevelopment," in James D. Cockcroft, Andre Gunder Frank, and Dale Johnson, eds., Dependence and Underdevelopment. (New York: Anchor Books).
  16. Lockwood, Mathhew (2005) The State They’re In: An Agenda for International Action on Poverty in Africa, (Warwickshire: International Technology Development Group Ltd).
  17. The Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa, 1980-2000,(1980) (Geneva: ILO).
  18. World Bank,(1981) Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Agenda, (Washington, DC: World Bank).
  19. The Africa Commission (2005) “Our Common Future”, Report of the Africa Commission
  20. Rothchild, Donald ed. (1991), Ghana: The Political Economy of Recovery (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers)
  21. Gyimah-Boadi E. ed.(1993), Ghana Under PNDC Rule, ( Dakar: CODESRIA Book Series).
  22. Leftwich, Andrian (1993) “Governance, Democracy and Development in Third Word”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 14. No. 3 pp 605-624.
  23. The Millennium Development Goals 2000
  24. The Sustainable Development Goals, 2016
  25. Armah, Bartholomew (2001), “Should Ghana Go HIPC”? IEA Legislative Alert Series, Vol. 1, No. 3 (March) pp 1-15.
  26. Ayittey, George (2005) “NEPAD and Africa’s Leaking Begging Bowl”, IEA Policy Analysis Series Vol. 3 No. 5. (February) pp 1-13



·        Extensive Reading (at least 70% of the required reading materials) is a MUST

·   There would be 6 weeks (but four hours meeting times) of lectures and students must endeavor to attend all lectures. The course shall not be done by correspondence.

·        Students must be punctual in attending all lectures. No lateness would be tolerated

·    Students MUST attend tutorials regularly and make MEANINGFUL contributions to class discussions.

·        An Interim Assessment would be conducted and would constitute 50% of the final grades of students. The final exam would account for 50% of students’ grade.

  • For information on Grading Scale, students may refer to Undergraduate Handbook for details.

·        Students MUST comport themselves during lectures. No acts of indiscipline such as ringing of mobile phones and all other acts that could distract the attention of other students while lectures are on-going would be tolerated

·        All assignments and written submissions would be graded taking into consideration the University’s Plagiarism Policy. Students must refer to this Policy and be guided by its contents.






Monday, 21 June 2021

                                                            UNIVERSITY OF GHANA 






1. Course Objective 

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the concept of government budgeting.  Specifically, it deals with what a budget is about, the types of budgets (balanced, surplus and  deficit), the qualities of a good budget, importance of the budget, the budgetary process, the  institutional framework for budgeting in Ghana, the politics of budgeting, the public financial  management system. It also examines budget reform strategies, fiscal decentralization and  techniques and tools of budgeting such as line-item budgeting, Zero-Based Budgeting, medium 

term expenditure framework (MTEF), Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) and Programme Based  Budgeting (PBB). 

2. Learning Objectives 

The learning objectives of the course are at three levels, namely, knowledge, skills and behaviour.  3. Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following: 

Define government budgeting.  

Describe the budget process. 

Appreciate the politics of the budget process. 

Identify the three types of the budget. 

Enumerate Ghana’s public financial management system, its strengths and weaknesses. Describe the institutional framework for the budget in Ghana 

Describe the strategies for budget reform in Ghana 

Describe the techniques and tools of budgeting. 

Make a prognosis of the future of government budgeting in Ghana. 

4. Instructional Methodology

This class will use a seminar/workshop format and will meet for three hours once a week. It will  comprise a combination of lectures, discussions, student presentations and term papers. 

5. Evaluation 

Seminar presentation by student - 25% Term paper of 2,000 words on student’s choice of topic - 25% Written Examination - 50% Total - 100 



Nature and scope of government budgeting: definitions, features and importance of the  budget 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6. 

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 

Hilton, R.M. & P.G. Joyce, “Performance Information and Budgeting in Historical and  Comparative Perspective”, in B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre (eds.) The Handbook of Public  Administration. London: Sage, 2007. Chapter 20. 

Kok, L. “Accrual Budgeting in a Comparative Perspective”, in B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre (eds.)  The Handbook of Public Administration. London: Sage, 2007. Chapter 21. 

United Nations, Realizing Human Rights through Government Budgets. New York: Office of the  United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). HR/PUB/17/2017. 

Humado, C.K. “Pro-poor Policies and the Budget Process: The Role of  Parliament/Parliamentarians – the Ghanaian Experience”, in Parliaments, Poverty and the Budget  Process in Africa. Accra: Africa Poverty Reduction and Parliamentarian Centre, 2009. 

Caiden, Naomi and Aaron Wildavsky. Planning and Budgeting in Poor Countries. New York:  John Wiley and Sons, 1974.


Types of budget: strengths and weaknesses 

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6. 

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 

Ipek, E.A.S. “New Approaches in Public Budgeting”, DOI: 

Hou, Y. “Designing and Administering Revenue Systems”, in J.L. Perry & R. Christensen (eds.)  Handbook of Public Administration 3edn. San Francisco, CA: Wiley, 2015. Chapter 23. 

OECD (2014) OECD principles of budgetary governance,  (Accessed January 20, 2020) 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Caiden, Naomi and Aaron Wildavsky. Planning and Budgeting in Poor Countries. New York:  John Wiley and Sons, 1974. 


The budgetary process or cycle: strengths and weaknesses 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Ipek, E.A.S. “New Approaches in Public Budgeting”, DOI: 

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6.

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 

Caiden, Naomi and Aaron Wildavsky. Planning and Budgeting in Poor Countries. New York:  John Wiley and Sons, 1974. 


Institutional framework for budgeting in Ghana: issues, strengths and weaknesses 

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Act, Act 921, 2016. Accra: GPCL Assembly  Press, 2016. 

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Regulations, LI2378, 2019. Accra: GPCL  Assembly Press. 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget. Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Garnet, H & W. Plowden, “Cabinets, Budgets and Poverty: Political Commitment to Poverty  Reduction”, in B. Levy & S. Kpundeh (eds.) Building State Capacity in Africa: New Approaches,  Emerging Lessons. Washington DC: The World Bank, 2004, Chapter 5. 

B. Dorotinksky & R. Floyd, “Public Expenditure Accountability in Africa: Progress, Lessons and  Challenges”, in B. Levy & S. Kpundeh (eds.) Building State Capacity in Africa: New Approaches,  Emerging Lessons. Washington DC: The World Bank, 2004, Chapter 6. 

OECD. OECD principles of budgetary governance,  (Accessed January 20, 2020). 


Ghana’s public financial management system: issues  

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Act, Act 921, 2016. Accra: GPCL Assembly  Press, 2016. 

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Regulations, LI2378, 2019. Accra: GPCL  Assembly Press.

Adamtey, N. (2017) The Road to Budget Transparency in Ghana, ghana-ibp-case-study-2017.pdf (accessed, 20/1/20) 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 


Ghana’s public financial management system: strengths and weaknesses 

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Act, Act 921, 2016. Accra: GPCL Assembly  Press, 2016. 

Republic of Ghana, Public Financial Management Regulations, LI2378, 2019. Accra: GPCL  Assembly Press. 

Adamtey, N. (2017) The Road to Budget Transparency in Ghana, ghana-ibp-case-study-2017.pdf (accessed, 20/1/20) 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 


Strategies for budget reform in Ghana 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Schick, A. “Twenty Five Years of Budgeting Reform”, OECD Journal of Budgeting, Vol. 4, No.  1, 2004, pp. 81-102. 

OECD, Managing Public Expenditure: A Reference Book for Transition Societies. Paris: OECD,  2001. 

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6. 

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 


Fiscal decentralization in Ghana: issues, strengths and weaknesses

Institute for Fiscal Studies, “Fiscal Decentralization in Ghana: Progress and Challenges”. Prepared  by the staff team of the IFS, led by Edna Osei (Research Analyst) June 2017. Discussion Paper  No. 10, 2017. 

Amoako-Asiedu, E. & K.A. Domfeh, “The Challenges of Central Government Fiscal and Financial  Policies on Local Government Programmes in Ghana”. International Journal of African and Asian  Studies, Vol. 26, 2016, pp. 32-40. 

Dafflon, B & T. Madies (eds.) The Political Economy of Decentralization in Sub Saharan Africa. Washington DC: World Bank, 2013. 


Techniques and tools of budgeting: line item and zero-based budgeting 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Ipek, E.A.S. “New Approaches in Public Budgeting”, DOI: 

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6. 

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 

Wildavsky, A. “A budget for all seasons? Why the traditional budget lasts,” Public  Administration Review 38 (6), 1978: 501–509. 

WEEK 10 

Techniques and tools of budgeting in Ghana: activity-based budgeting versus programme  based budgeting 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Ho, A.T-K., “Performance Budgeting”, in J.L. Perry & R. Christensen (eds.) Handbook of Public  Administration 3edn. San Francisco, CA: Wiley, 2015. Chapter 22.

Kariuki, E. & K. Kiragu, “Public Expenditure Management” in L. Adamolekun (ed.) Public  Administration in Africa: Main Issues and Selected Country Studies. 2nd edn. Ibadan: Evans  Brothers. Chapter 6. 

Rubin, I.S. “New Directions in Public Budgeting”, in D.C. Menzel & H.L. White (eds.) The State  of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. London/New York: M.E. Sharpe,  2011. Chapter 9. 

Schick, A. “The metamorphoses of performance budgeting,” OECD Journal of Budgeting, 13(2),  2013. 

Wildavsky, A. “A budget for all seasons? Why the traditional budget lasts,” Public  Administration Review 38 (6), 1978: 501–509. 

WEEK 11 

The politics of budgeting in Ghana 

Killick, T. “The politics of Ghana’s budgetary system”, CDD/ODI Policy Brief No. 2, November  2005. 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Johnson, M. “Understanding the Real Budget Process: The Case of Ghana”, IFFRI  Discussion Note # 029. 

Wildavsky, A. The New Politics of the Budgetary Process. 2d ed. New York: Harper Collins,  1992. 

WEEK 12 

The political business cycle in Ghana 

Iddrisu, A. G. & G.A. Bokpin, “Political business cycles and economic growth in Africa”, Journal  of Economic Studies, Vol. 45 No. 4, 2018 pp. 760-772. 

Kwankye, J.K. “Budget Discipline should be Entrenched in Ghana as a Policy Priority”,  Legislative Alert, Vol. 21, No.1, August, 2014. 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d.

WEEK 13 

The future of government budgeting in Ghana 

Killick, T. “The politics of Ghana’s budgetary system”, CDD/ODI Policy Brief No. 2, November  2005. 

Republic of Ghana, The Budget Operations Manual for Development of the National Budget.  Prepared by the Ministry of Finance (Budget Division), n.d. 

Ipek, E.A.S. “New Approaches in Public Budgeting”, DOI: 


1. What is government budgeting? What are its features, strengths and weaknesses? 2. Why is budgeting political? 

3. Examine the major types of budget. 

4. Discuss the budgetary cycle in Ghana. Illustrate your answer with examples. 5. Examine the major reforms implemented over the years to improve budgeting in Ghana. 

6. How effective is Ghana’s public financial management system? Give examples to illustrate  your points. 

7. Compare and contrast line item budgeting and zero-based budgeting. 

8. Compare and contract activity based budgeting and programme based budgeting. 

9. Comment on the view that fiscal decentralization remains the Achilles heel of decentralization  in Ghana. 

10. How can the political business cycle be improved in Ghana? 

11. Assuming you have been appointed the Minister of Finance of Ghana, examine some of the  reforms you will introduce in the country’s budget statement.

12. What do you think is the future of government budgeting in Ghana?