Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Department of Political Science, University of Ghana

Poli 457: Human Resource Development and Management, Main and City Campuses

Instructor: Bossman E. Asare

 Time: TH 1530-1720 (JQB 19) TH 10-12 (CC)

Office- Room 12 (Poli Science) Office hours- M TW 9:30-11:30

Course Description and Objectives

Human resource development and management  involve the long-established public  sector functions of selection, recruitment, evaluation, promotion, salaries and benefits, disciplinary actions (including dismissals), as well as policies designed to enhance the productivity of the workforce. It entails programs, such as employee training and educational assistance, seminars on best practices in the workplace, coaching, and organizational development. Focusing on the public sector, the course examines human resources issues against the backdrop of internationally recognized benchmarks. It traces the evolution of the human resources function in an effort to show how it has become prominent in both public and private sector management.  The course also draws insights from the business sector and elsewhere (rich countries) to explicate what ought to be in the public sector in Ghana.
By the end of the class, students should be able to know (a) the role human resource managers play in public organizations; (b) that the ultimate goal of human resource management and development is the development of a superior workforce that will accomplish the goals of the organization; (c) the relevance of technology in today’s HR management; (d) the role of teams in organizations; and (e) the problems inherent in human resources practices in Ghana’s public sector.
The assigned readings are compulsory for all students, as are class participation and attendance. Essentially, the course employs the participant-centered and active learning approaches to teaching.  This should suggest the use of learning cases in the class. This course is designed for serious students who want to make impact in the class as well as in the world. In view of this, I expect all of you to be diligent and conduct yourselves as students who are ready to learn and also share their knowledge and experiences with others. 

Required Text 

 Angelo S. DeNisi and Ricky W. Griffin (2008), Human Resource Management (3rd Edition), Houghton Mifflin Company

Recommended Texts

John Schermerhorn, James Hunt, and Richard Osborn (2005), Organizational Behavior (9th Edition), Wiley.
Robert B. Denhardt and Janet V. Denhardt (2009), Public Administration: An Action Orientation (6th Edition), Thomson Wadsworth.
Richard L. Daft (2008), The Leadership Experience (fourth edition), Thomson Southwestern
David Whetten and Kim Cameron (2005), Developing Management Skills (Sixth Edition) Pearson Prentice Hall
Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki (1998), Organizational Behavior (fourth Edition), Irwin-McGraw-Hill


 Final exams will consist of a combination of fill in the blanks, short essays, and long essay questions. The final is cumulative, with questions ranging from the first day to the last day of class. The Interim Assessment will involve fill-in-the-blanks and short and long essay questions. The IA will focus on certain areas.


Civility in the classroom is expected of all students. Students who disrupt class to the extent that other’s educational opportunities are diminished may be asked to leave the classroom. Cell phones must be turned off at all times in the classroom.

Communicating with your Instructor

 Feel free to stop by and discuss academic matters or concerns with me in the office. All emails sent to me should include POLI 457 in the subject line.

Class Attendance and Participation

Attendance will be monitored every class session, and students are expected to regularly and relevantly contribute to class discussions by raising questions and making salient comments. For the purpose of class participation, which is compulsory, students are encouraged to bring clippings to class and initiate discussions on them or simply discuss what they have experienced, heard, or read in the news that relate to the themes covered in the course. This will be an opportunity for students to make oral contributions, in addition to the regular lectures and discussions. Importantly, be aware that students who attend class regularly tend to perform substantially better than students who skip regularly.

Learning Disability Students

Any student with an officially recognized disability should make fitting arrangements with the university, not the instructor.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism, which is representing somebody’s work as your own, as well as cheating in all forms, must be avoided. The consequences of these behaviors are not worth mentioning in this class.

Course Calendar

Week 1
Introduction to course, the nature of human resource management, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 1, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 8

Week 2
Human Resource Management and Development, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 1, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 8

Week 3
Recruiting and selection/staffing, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 7, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 8, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 4, Daft chapter 2

Week 4
Recruiting and selection/staffing, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 7, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 8, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 4, Daft chapter 2

Week 5
Safety, health, well-being, and security, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 12 Whetten, and Cameron chapter 2

Week 6
Safety, health, well-being, and security, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 12, Whetten and Cameron chapter 2

Week 7
Managing the diverse workforce, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 8, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 3, Kreitner and  Kinicki 2, Daft Chapter 11

Week 8
Teams/Groups in Organizations, Daft chapter 10, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 9, Kreitner and  Kinicki 10

Week 9
Managing Conflicts in Organizations, Whetten and Cameron chapter 7

Week 10
Performance enhancement techniques, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 14

Week 11
Performance appraisal and career management, DeNisi and Griffin chapter 10

Week 12
Leadership and management skills in public organizations, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 9, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 4, Daft chapter 2

Week 13
Leadership and management skills in public organizations, Denhardt and Denhardt chapter 9, Schermerhorn et. al chapter 4, Daft chapter 2

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